This Digest serves as a brief descriptor of the Presenter rendering/animation environment, its tools and their function. There are examples given where it is deemed appropriate, however there are no in-depth, tutorial-type instructions. For more detailed instruction refer to the .pdf files in the Reference Manual folders.
This Digest has been generated in such a manner that you can easily use it in a way that most people are used to learning software -- that is, it is a stand-alone document that will be very handy to have running as you are setting up your scenes in Presenter. Just shuttle quickly between Presenter and this document as you need it.
Use the Contents menu to navigate through this document
Use the Find (File menu) feature and type in the word(s) you want to locate in the document/chapter; press Return to find the next instance of the word(s).
Keyboard shortcuts are shown in brackets [ ].
Ô£ø - Indicates the Command key.
Unless otherwise indicated:
* the term "item" may refer to an object and/or group(s) of objects.
* the term "object" may refer to a model, camera, light, or microphone.
* the term "View windows" refers to the three orthogonal View windows.